North Dakota Registered Agents
Registered Agent Service in North Dakota.
No matter how long you’ve been looking for registered agents in North Dakota, we hope that you’ll find our service to be the perfect fit.
Our fee structure is simple. You’ll be charged $49 initially for 1 year of our ND registered agents service. In a year, you will get a bill from us for $49 for another year of service. You won’t get any other bills from us. You can rest assured that you won’t get any surprises on your credit card bill after hiring us to act as your N Dakota registered agent.
An honest price for quality ND registered agents service
Have you ever found a really rock bottom price on something and then later found out that it was missing a critical piece or didn’t include a crucial feature you were looking for? We charge you less most of the other North Dakota registered agents out there and we don’t make you pay for services that you should automatically get from your ND registered agent. We receive change of registered agent orders on a regular basis from clients that used “cheaper” options. Over the course of a year, they wound up paying more than our no-nonsense every day North Dakota registered agents price of $49 a year. Our pricing is enough to make a living and stay in business, and it’s enough that we don’t have to try to up-sell you anything. Most importantly, it’s enough to keep our pricing plan simple.
What will you get?
After you sign up for our N Dakota registered agents service, you will be immediately logged into your client account where you will have access to all the same business forms you would find on the various North Dakota business sites. The forms are already filled out with our North Dakota registered agents information. If you need to do a filing in North Dakota, you’ll find helpful information.
Annual report reminders, online account, state of North Dakota resources, optional filing services… You won’t get those features with most of the other ND registered agents service.